Did You Know USDTL Offers HL7?
Pssst, did you know we offer HL7?
United States Drug Testing Laboratories (USDTL) has the fastest turnaround times in the business. We are working on getting those results to you even faster with Health Level Seven International (HL7). As many of you know, HL7 works to create a world where everyone can access and use the rights to health data when and where they need it most. Working heavily with hospitals, USDTL and HL7 can expedite drug and alcohol results. USDTL provides a web portal that works with hospitals’ networks to create a secure location for relaying results.
What Is HL7?
HL7 is a standard for exchanging health information between medical applications. This standard defines a format for the transmission of health-related information. More specifically, HL7 helps bridge the gap between healthcare and data results by making a more accessible and efficient application. The underlying objective is to smooth the path between healthcare systems and USDTL.
Why Is HL7 Important?
Setting up an HL7 interface with USDTL will help eliminate the frustration of manual entry. Many of our hospitals have struggled with staffing shortages and have told us how beneficial our bi-directional interfacing has been in helping remove manual administrative work while increasing the accuracy of reporting.
USDTL Turnaround Times
Generally, the standard turnaround time for reporting a negative screen is the next business day, with an additional 1-2 business days for specimens that require confirmatory testing. Turnaround time begins from the receipt of the valid specimen accompanied by a properly documented valid order into the laboratory. Some tests require additional time to process and will fall outside the standard turnaround time window.
Uniformity Across Your Entire System
When building a program for newborn drug testing to address population health, our partners have often mentioned that one of the most valuable aspects of our relationship is the hands on attention they receive from us when creating or adjusting their programs.
We help reduce the variabilities that can often be cumbersome when it comes to NAS management.
Learn About HL7 Learn About Newborn Testing